My principles and beliefs are fully consistent with those of the Republican Party of Arkansas’s principles and platform. As Justice of the Peace, I will follow our Party platform and never stray from it.

In addition to my core principles I also believe in:


During this tough Biden economy, the hard-working taxpayers of Saline County should not constantly be bombarded with tax increases. In fact, we should be looking for ways to cut government waste and return money to the taxpayers, not entice them with amenities which are not only unnecessary, but are not a proper function of government. My opponent was one of the chief proponents of the recent Bryant city tax increases. The results (68% and 71% against) prove that voters have no appetite for increased taxes.


Saline County residents should feel safe and secure. I support our local law enforcement officers and will seek solutions that help them address the ongoing crime issues in Saline County. Homeowners should be able to sleep well at night without worrying about the security of their homes, vehicles, and property.


2020 taught us that voting computers are subject to numerous vulnerabilities and they cannot be trusted. Two recent polls found that a strong majority of Arkansans want hand count audits before elections are certified and they support hand-marked secure paper ballots. The Saline County Quorum Court should restore confidence in our elections by switching to hand-marked secure paper ballots, with electronic counts validated by hand count. As Justice of the Peace, I will lead that charge.


We should protect ALL human life – from conception to natural death. I fully support Saline County’s designation as a Pro-Life County, but we must also protect our youth by not marketing pornographic and other inappropriate materials to them at the Saline County Library. While parents can make their own decisions about how to raise their children, our tax dollars should not be used to fund this filth. Further, county government should treat our senior citizens with respect and be responsive to their input.


Incumbents on our Saline County Quorum Court have a history of ignoring constituents, and if they do respond, attacking them for their beliefs or positions on issues. While I have deeply held beliefs on certain topics, I will always respond to you and respect your comments. I see an elected position as public service. Elected officials should be accountable and responsive to their constituents, not loom over them as their superiors. I realize that people work and have lives. As your representative on the Quorum Court, I will work tirelessly to represent and advocate for you. Please reach out to me anytime on any topic.


Saline County government should not be in the business of mandating, recommending, or even suggesting masks or vaccines. County taxpayer funded offices and entities should be open and fully accessible to all citizens without mask or vaccine requirements or signage. As your JP, I will advocate for government to do its job efficiently without making your life more difficult by placing restrictions on your ability to conduct business with the county.


County government should be transparent and responsive to the people. The money spent doesn’t belong to the government, it belongs to you. The records relating to those expenses belong to you, too, and Saline County must quickly and completely respond to all Freedom of Information requests. Our courthouse should also be open to the taxpayers without unnecessary restrictions on entry.